Forever inspired by magical people in magical places, we follow our girl Marie from LA to the South of France. With her self-proclaimed, approach to life: smiling, she takes us on an adventure exploring her beautiful hometown of Avignon, France.

Here, she shares her favorite local things, moments, and memories from the southern city. 

A French song you love?
Djadja - Aya Nakamura

A French phrase you love?
Je t’aime

Where do you go for a nightcap in Avignon?
Palais des papes!

Favorite place to eat?
Christian Etienne

Your must-have French meal?
Bread and cheese!! Raclette haha! It’s a typical meal with cheese that you melt and put it on potatoes and charcuterie!

Where can we find you reading in Avignon?
Rocher des doms

The best place to see art in Avignon?
Musée Calvet

What smell reminds you of home?
Fresh bread in the bakery

What do you miss most about your town when you are not there?
The food for sure!

What neighborhood can we find you wandering around in Avignon?
Around Le Pont d’Avignon

Where do you stay when you go back home?
At my mom’s house

Most loved hotel in Avignon?
La Mirande, of course!

What do you love about La Mirande?
The decoration and the mood of this hotel!